Thursday, June 18, 2015


1. Kon Mari

So I got the brilliant idea of going for the KonMari method of getting rid of all the excess junk that has been cluttering up my place. Just for the record, it is not for the faint of heart. I have 3 trash bags full of clothes, and I'm not through with my wardrobe. I'm not sure how I got all of this stuff.
Naturally, the cat helped. By help I mean he took a nice long nap on top of clean clothes.

2. Tomato Season

The happy part of this part of the year is that it is now tomato season. I hate slices of tomato on sandwiches in restaurants. They are so slimy and tasteless. I do love the homegrown variety, and am so glad my little experiement with container gardening is going so well.
The green stuff is homemade pesto, with basil I grew. Yes, I'm proud, and no, I have no shame. ;-)

3. Sunsets

In between all of the rain we've gotten recently there have been some gorgeous Oklahoma sunsets. Yes, we may have earthquakes and tornadoes and fires and ice storms, but when I see a sunset like this, I think it's all worth it.

4. So cute!

I had no clue this was even a thing, but how can a fruit be cuter than a baby pineapple?

5. Marriage advice for wedding season

Treat marriage as an unbreakable, lifelong commitment: “Rather than seeing marriage as a voluntary partnership that lasts only as long as the passion does, the elders propose a mindset in which it is a profound commitment to be respected, even if things go sour over the short term. Many struggled through dry and unhappy periods and found ways to resolve them – giving them the reward of a fulfilling, intact marriage in later life.
Read the rest here.

6. I'd kind of like to go...

To the El Caminito del Rey walkway. Although with my (lack of) upper body strength, there's no way I will ever be a rock climber. I still think it would be cool to walk along some of these paths. More from the Daily Mail.

photo courtesy of the Daily Mail

7. Hahaha! This is definitely my brain!

Damn you Instant Gratification Monkey!

Also why I do not blog more regularly. I have tons of ideas in my head, but the monkey gets in the way of actual writing.

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