Friday, October 17, 2014

7 Quick Takes

1. Craziness!

I just realized that I forgot to schedule a photographer for the event I have this Tuesday! Ack. I normally don't do this. Fortunately it's not a wedding or anything like that, but we were hoping to get some good shots to use for promotional use throughout the year. It's times like these that I hate living so far away from family. I have a cousin and an aunt that both do wedding photography, and would have been able to help me in a snap. Unfortunately, they are both in the great North, so are unavailable. My friend who does photography is taking a round the world trip with her 1 year old and husband. That's a different kind of craziness altogether.

2. Prost!


I went with the boyfriend to Octoberfest on Wednesday. I mentioned I love fall, and the weather was really perfect for it. They actually had some German bands playing. It was a great night, and the crowd wasn't nearly as rowdy as the weekends.

3. Alabama Snow

For those of you that don't know, this is what we call Alabama snow. Confused? Here's a closeup.

That's right, y'all! It's cotton!

4. Weddings

I went to Alabama this past weekend to go to my sister's wedding. It was a pretty wedding, and my sister looked lovely in her dress. I also got to meet my brother-in-law for the first time. I should probably explain that my brother-in-law is from Australia, and it was a whirlwind courtship, so I never met him before the wedding. It was a fun weekend, and he BIL has a wonderful extended family. I also got to hang out with my far-flung family, so it was nice.

Fortunately, there was not too much of the question "When are you getting married?"

5. Things Not to Ask Women

Number 4. brings me to questions that are better left un-asked.

First, don't ask a woman when she is getting married. Do you see an engagement ring on her finger? If not, don't ask. If you do, chances are she will tell YOU. Otherwise, it goes over like a lead balloon. I know that the question is well meant, but really it just puts pressure on the single person to explain why she isn't married yet.

Second, don't ask if she's pregnant. Enough said. You will know soon enough.

Third, don't ask if she's a mother, then go on about how awesome it is to have kids after she says no. You never know what someone is going through, and people tend to be very private about things relating to infertility, miscarriages etc. In this case one coworker said this to another coworker, unaware that she desperately wants children, but her husband is determined to get a vasectomy. I felt so bad for her, because the male coworker rubbed salt into a very tender wound, and had no clue he was doing so.

6. Road Trips


I've just been to Alabama for a family wedding, now I'm off to go visit the boyfriend's family. I plan to have more posts up soon, but I've been on the road!

7. Book Review

I have read the book, but will have a review of it up on this blog soon. 


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