Thursday, October 2, 2014

Seven Quick Takes!

1. It's Been a Week!

The blog is now a week old! Things are still under development regarding the focus of the blog, and I would like to use it as a way to hone my writing. I'm certainly having fun!

2. I Need a New Show...

I've realized that most of the shows I've watched ended last season. I need something to replace How I Met Your Mother. Recommendations?

3. I've Said It Before...

But I love fall! Of course, it was mid 80's here in Oklahoma, but a cold snap is right around the corner. I can't wait to plant some of these gorgeous mums. I have a small balcony, so these are perfect for planters.

4. It's Also Wedding Season!

October has become a very popular month to get married. Two of my dear friends got married in October, and now my younger sister is getting married next weekend! A road trip to Alabama is in the future!

5. Who Knew Dolphins Were so Aggressive?

I distinctly remember going fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, and running into a pod of playful dolphins. I also remember long afternoons of watching "Flipper" re-runs. Apparently this Irish dolphin did not watch the show.

6. There's Still Hope!

I still love you, Pluto! You may even get the recognition you deserve.
Eight years after being reduced to a "dwarf planet" by the International Astronomical Union in 2006, our far distant cousin is finally getting some real push to be upgraded back to the ninth "planet" in our solar system.

7. It's late...

But the cat says hi!


  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere. It may take you some time to find your niche--or you may decide blogging isn't it. If you like to read, I recommend book blogging--great community, free books, constant writing prompts (write reviews of the books you read). You can meet more friendly Catholic bloggers at Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival which I host. The host post will go up tomorrow afternoon at
