Thursday, October 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes


1. TGIF!

Seriously... thank God. It's been a hectic, hectic couple of weeks. In the past two weeks I have spent the weekend with my family and with the boyfriend's family, and coordinated a dinner for 60+ people that had a former mayor, a former Secretary of State of Oklahoma, and a former ambassador as guests. Whew... all I can say is that I'm glad I don't have to work tomorrow!

2. Dieting

I keep telling myself that I'm going to lose some weight before Christmas... I'll start tomorrow... Ahahaha! My coworkers and I have a contest, and whoever wins gets a massage at a spa. So far no one's doing a great job, so I'm still in the race.

Seriously, this is really about being healthy, like eating healthy food and exercising.

3. Meal Planning

Related to the  second topic, I realized that I eat out way too much. To be quite frank, it's a convenience thing. I work long hours, and when I get home the last thing I want to do is spend thirty minutes to an hour cooking. I like cooking, but I'm just tired. I'm going to experiment with meal plans that work for me. It needs to be simple, tasty, and it has to be a 1 person serving. The one person serving is probably the most challenging, as I don't like leftovers. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

4. Cuteness for Your Friday

5. What the Hey... More Cuteness

And proof that a tiger cub is just a really big house cat.

6. For Halloween

WHY have I never seen this before?
I'm not sure of the original source, but I found this via Tiny Librarian

7. Faithful

It's hard to believe how different my life is from a year ago. A year ago I was in a full back brace, barely able to walk short distances. It has been just over a year since my second hospitalization. Now I just got done dancing at a wedding, driving cross-country, and running around with a busy life. Life happens, and it is easy to forget how far I have come in the last year. God has surely been faithful to me.

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